Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Apathy is the Glove Into Which Evil Slips It's Hand

Why do good people insist on doing nothing?  Why do people who have the potential to be competent and intelligent, critically thinking human beings and yet they allow themselves to be pretty much shat upon by the people who run their lives.  It seems that many people are content with letting their lives be run by people who don't give a flying fuck about them.  I know I'm sounding like George Carlton, but honestly, this nation is run by Disney, Coca Cola and Viacom, along with a few other super conglomerates.  And nobody seems to care.  We have troops in every country in the world to force economic slavery upon the third world.  If we think that we're better than we were 200 years ago, we're not.  Just now the world is a bigger place, so we're comfortable with allowing everybody in the country to be the slave owners and the third world a slave.  I grew up in an liberal progressive town, so I grew up surrounded by forward thinking, intelligent, contemplative, reasonable people who would never treat another human being with such contempt.  I grew up thinking the best of people, thinking that my world was free of evil, that it had been conquered long ago and we were just beating back the devil last remains when we went to war.  I now realize that people do things for the wrong reasons, or don't do anything at all.  I was in a political debate with somebody about how the government literally LIED to us when they said that Iraq had WMD's.  She replied that "people make mistakes" and "you're not going to convince me, dude."  There are two very acute things wrong with this:

1. Our government is not allowed to make mistakes.  Going to war because of a LIE is the least acceptable thing we've done since the Japanese internment camps and dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Our government needs to be held accountable for fucking up the world.  We are not the world police and we have neither the obligation nor the right to interfere in everything we can squeeze a few drops of oil out of.

2. "You're not going to convince me, dude."  Quite honestly the most frustrating and stupid words I've ever heard uttered by a person I considered a critical thinker.  The point of debate is not to convince anyone, it's to learn and become more worldly, and to hopefully come to a legitimate, intelligent, and compromising conclusion.  If I wanted to force my beliefs upon you, I'd file legislature or join a fucking religion.

Please, wake up.  I implore you.  Read more than they teach you in the books, and question EVERYTHING.  Few people have your best interests at heart, and none of those who do are politicians, the media, or the rich.

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